Answer each question either “True” or “False”. Your initial response is likely the truest answer. When answering these questions, think of each question in the context of learning something new. For example, When I am learning something new…I prefer to listen to someone talk. (True or False).
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You’ve just completed the second inventory. Knowing how you learn is an important part of your Personal Profile. Make sure to record your results on page 7 of your Learning Manual by circling your strongest characteristic in each category. In the next inventory, you are going to learn more about how you express yourself.
I prefer to listen to someone talk.
I really like to watch a video, YouTube tutorial or a TV documentary.
I must be reminded often to do something.
I can sit in one place for a long time.
If I could choose to go to school anytime during the day, I would go in the morning.
I like to talk about what I’m learning.
The things I remember best are those I see.
I don’t have to be reminded to do something.
I can’t sit in one place for a long time.
If I could choose to go to school anytime during the day, I would go in the early evening.
I’d rather read than listen to a lecture.
I enjoy learning in lectures as opposed to learning from a textbook.
I forget to do things I’ve been told to do.
I find it hard to sit in one place for a long time.
I remember things best when I study them in the early morning.
I learn best by watching as opposed to doing an activity.
I find it easy to listen to people talk.
It’s easy for me to remember what I see.
I remember to do what I am told.
I have to get up and move around when I study.
I remember things best when I study them in the evening.
I enjoy learning by listening.
I like to learn by reading.
I learn best by doing hands-on activites.
I do what I am expected to do.
It’s easy for me to stay put when I study.
I study best in the morning.